
Blast from the Past.

Sometimes, I think we as Christians have to humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord & let Him work. We sing about it, so, why not do it?

This post has two parts. First....

I have definitely had times in the past where I have neglected to do what is good, right and pure; as Christians, we are called to live a life that is acceptable and pleasing to the Father in whatever we do. Lately, I have really been touched by some real, honest conversations with women whom I look up to and respect in their Christian walks.  So, the other day as I was watching television, the face of an old acquaintance flashed across the TV screen in a commercial. We had what some may call a falling out - for a difference of opinion when it came to agreeing on what proper faith should look like. We did not agree on what is righteous and what is wrong, what is worldly and what is Godly and that sin, is sin, is sin. To make a long story short, I was shocked because after all these months, Satan needed a way to get to me - even if it meant using a nationally broadcasted channel to remind me for that 30 seconds of everything that happened before. I felt a little discouraged because I felt as if Satan would never quit trying to get to me. But then, a few things happened. I won't name them all, but I was reminded ("coincidentally") by text message that there are people in my life who seemingly do want the best for me and that I don't have to make my past my inevitable future.

I was encouraged by two passages in the Bible - in 1 and 2 Corinthians.
"'Everything is permissible' - but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible" - but not everything is constructive. Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others." - 1 Cor 10:23-24
Do not be mislead: Bad company corrupts good character." Come back to your senses, as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God - I say this to your shame. - 1 Cor 15:33-34
Don't be someone who is ignorant of God. We so easily think that we are invincible when we are on spiritual highs or having a good week. We still need to humble ourselves and remember who allowed that to happen.  In the situation I was in, I felt like my faith was enough for the both of us, but I have learned that we must have  our own faith apart from any other person, and that in a friendship, a group or a relationship, our mutual faith can encourage (Romans 1:11-12) each other; but, we cannot force someone to believe...and as Paul is clearly trying to explain, we should not remain in the company of bad character and destructive choices.  We affect others with our own actions, not just ourselves. Your fellow brothers and sisters are watching to see what kind of influence you can and will be - the question is, what type of influence are you choosing to have/what type of influences are you allowing in your life?

I am glad to say that lately, I have set some boundaries that change the types of friendships and relationships I choose to involve myself in.  When we allow pieces of ourselves to be given to other people as a relationship deepens, we allow them to either use it against us or help us to grow. When I think about the things that are important, I consider if the other person is also seeking God out on a daily basis. How do they love God - do they love God at all to begin with? Are they encouraging me in my walk or luring me away from it? Am I tempted to engage in any sin while I am around them or, are they sinful even if I'm not...? If the answer to these is not an acceptable, pleasing way to honor God, then why invest in the relationship or the friendship? God calls us to love Him first, then love our neighbor in His greatest command BUT, the other party needs to be of that same opinion. What fellowship can light have with darkness...?

Be encouraged to know that we all have struggles. Satan, even when we are on a "spiritual high," will try to infiltrate in any means that he deems necessary to tempt us, to guilt trip us, to pursue us and to get us to walk away from the grace that God has given us and the wisdom of his scripture to help us walk upright.  Remember which God delivered Israel from the Egyptians and Pharaoh? He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Entrust your heart and the things Satan tempts or annoys you with to Christ and you will have peace. In fact, unexpected blessings can even result from trust and faith in a God who will never let us fall if we are seeking wholeheartedly.  Walk in the light as He is in the light. The darkness has not, and will not ever understand it.


Searcy, Ministry & Broken Cars, Oh My!

Well, folks, it's been a few weeks - and let me tell you - it has been an adventure. A few of us from CIA Tampa headed up to Harding two weekends ago for the CMU Workshop: Get Lit - Passing the Torch; what a blessing to be among so many people with the same goal and purpose. Among the highlights of my weekend are Jonathan Storment's Keynote (listen here: Passing the Torch: Moses to Joshua), Patrick Mead (see links here: 2011 Searcy CMU Audio), and praising as a part of for a brief moment, and with the ACB Praise Team from Lindenwood & The Crossings Church.

Anyways, to probably the greatest lesson I learned on the trip & the story behind it. This, mind you - is a lesson I have been taught before, but apparently when God spoke it, I didn't remember, so He reminded me just what he can do with a humble heart.

We left at 5am on a Wednesday morning; on the way up to Harding which is, give or take 900 miles from Tampa, FL to there...at about the Florida-Georgia border line - my car (which is an automatic) stopped shifting out of first...result? Using overdrive to shift manually the rest of the way there...lucky for us it was mostly interstate.

I worried about it the whole trip up and the whole time we were there (despite my calm demeanor).

We left Sunday AM at 5:30 Searcy time...my RPM gauge/tachometer doesn't work. We get to Alabama and my tire basically shreds. Cue stopping on the side of the road with Kelly and Coach to change my tire to the spare, GPS navigating to a Wal-Mart and paying $93 for a new tire I did not want to buy. It ended up being a 20 hour drive home...

Long story short, the repairs on my car were upwards of $500 +labor that may dad was going to wipe out by fixing it himself; I made my parents take the car home to Orlando and I borrowed my mom's for a few days - I got a call later that week that my car looked/shifted fine and that my tachometer magically worked. Considering that car had over 100,000 miles on it and a good 7 years, I was wondering how much more money I could stick into a used car over what I originally paid, without being frustrated.

God provided. BIG TIME.

I worked out my finances and determined that with a special college rebate incentive Toyota offers recent college graduates, and a special 1.9% financing rate with deferred payments that we saw advertised coupled with a gift that my grandpa gave me to put towards "something special" aka not my student loan repayment...that I may be able to get a new car.

Well, I now own a beautiful 2011 Toyota Corolla S with upgrades and a pretty legit looking spoiler & sport front end, it's my baby, and I'm so blessed to have it. May I use it, ENJOY it and remember God's provision for me. And if that wasn't enough, I am now able to work more hours at work since we are short-staffed right now - I'm telling you people....when you give it to God WHOLEHEARTEDLY, He is not a God who delays in giving blessings to His children.

It is my first "adult" purchase in which I am responsible for a huge investment; it has taught me to sacrifice things I used to take for granted (Qdoba, Wendy's, Steak n' Shake...) and appreciate how our Father loves us and helps us to mature in life - prepared for every good work. Just like my first new car here, I have a new start. :)

Also, I passed my Harding class with an A. Praise God for that, too.

I've had a very good week so far, been able to spend time with and talk with some special people in my life and also some girls that I love and adore, and...

Plus, tomorrow, my girl Careda and girl Becca are joining me for FREE QUESO WEDNESDAY at Moe's.

God is good [Romans 12:1-2]
Memorize it.
Learn it.
Love it.
Practice it.