
New Adventures...new chapter!

Well, it's been a while - and I think it's time that I revive this blog. From now on, I will use this to periodically try and keep all of you up-to-date on my new life as a campus ministry plant team member. I moved this past weekend to Springfield, MO to work with Jeff Keely and Catherine Kraus from the CIA (Christians In Action) Tampa Ministry. We will be partnering with East Grand Church of Christ and working with students primarily from Missouri State University as well as Ozark Tech and Drury.

It had been a crazy few weeks getting ready to move. I started packing up my things from the temporary spare bedroom I was borrowing from two amazing sisters in our ministry, and headed to Orlando to say goodbye to my family; that was a hard few days...but, I plan to get them a webcam so they can learn how to Skype! (:  I went to Searcy to the Campus Ministry United conference and had a great weekend learning about how to be better equipped in ministry. It was also my last road trip with the Tampa ministry - well, at least our interns. It was quite an adventure - with no flat tires or blown gears this time. I got to spend time with all of them which was a really special weekend. I also got to celebrate six months with my boyfriend - and he took me on one last set of dates on Saturday. Although it was sad to say goodbye to him, Kelly and the others - complete with tears - I know that this is my God-given path and over time, God's peace has allowed me to focus on why I'm here.

I quit my job in Florida, in faith that I would find one in Springfield before I moved, but as of late, I have had several interviews, I don't have an offer yet. Please keep praying that I am able to start working again soon...not only to earn my living, but also because I'm ready to work again!! In the meantime, I am here and excited to go walk the campus tomorrow. Perhaps I can find some students doing orientation or something? (: We are having our first outing on Friday to see Batman: The Dark Knight Rises; Jeff is even driving over from Searcy (or as I say it "Seercy"). I'm very excited about that and I'm excited to put in my membership with the church here. They have such a loving body of Christ and I am looking forward to helping plant, develop and grow a college ministry here. (Go, make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey all that I have commanded, Matthew 28)

Catherine and I are in the process of looking for a place to live, so please also be prayerful for that. Right now, we are blessed to be able to stay with a couple from the church. Being roommates should be exciting! Springfield is an awesome town with TONS of places to eat - PERFECT for a college ministry...they love food. I've loved driving around just familiarizing with the area...drivers are so much better here than in FL, but I do miss the beach! (;

This will be a way for you all to keep up with me; I am overwhelmed to have so much love in my life from Tampa, and I can't wait to develop those relationships here, too. Since I don't have time to message you each individually, check here from time to time. I am so blessed to have such amazing brothers and sisters in my life! Be praying for CMU and for our plant team to set this campus on fire for Christ! (:

Until next time...
"Lead, follow, or get out of the way" - Lynn Stringfellow aka "Pops"

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