
Dazed but, not Confused.

You know, over the past month, I forgot this thing existed; life has gotten the better of me - graduation, summer classes and the "trying-to-figure-out-how-to-be-an-adult" phase. Scary.

But, I've learned something. Faith is not a place. Faith is not one group of people. Faith is not one church. Faith is not definitive. But, faith must be our own and not that of someone else's. I think what I have realized the most over the past few weeks is a little life mantra I should start living by.

Life goes on.

My grandfather's passing is still internally difficult to cope with, but life goes on.
I graduated, but I am still stuck in one summer class, and life goes on.
So, I have to pay back student loans, and I only work part time, life goes on...

And you get the picture - no matter the circumstance, the problem or the joy, life goes on - time does not stop. And God, who is almighty and powerful is there for every step, every stumble and every "aha" moment, so we needn't be afraid of failure or inconsistency in life. Nothing in life is constant except for God, and time.

So, I'm at a crossroads, and I've been praying about it. In the end, whatever I do, wherever I'm going and whoever it's with - as long as I love God, remember what he taught me and know that I have a whole life ahead of me, who cares what happens? (James 1:25) People will have opinions, I will have opinions. Sometimes, the greatest lessons are learned by taking the path less trodden by others.

So, as a tribute to Jason Aldean - "She's okay not knowin' who she is or where she's goin' cause she's young...and the world, it's wide open." <3

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